Contrary to my initial beliefs, I ha
ve adopted the belief that bad luck may exist after all.
I am surrounded by people who constantly need reassurance and motivation because they are on such a low point emotionally, which has a draining effect on me at times.
I acknowledge that it takes a special kind of person not to take a knock when life seems to throw rocks at you.
Some black people - especially those more primitive - hold numerous beliefs which leave them somewhat superstitious. I say black people because it I have heard how they speak. Granted, many other people within other races may be similar. As for blacks, it may be that their history is to blame for their attitudes and their approach on certain issues, some of which are considered taboo.
Take a good friend of mine for instance, in January 2009, shortly after having his first car, it got stolen. Please note that it was a get-by car, but the thieves did not care to spare him and go for a more expensive, recent car. No, I am not promoting any degree of theft.
Two months went by; he restored his lack-of-own-transport and bought a second car. He was to later find that this would be short-lived, as car this car did not check out with the traffic department, another disappointment for him. Upon returning it, he got another car - his third. Well his second car technically, though it was at first not in his list of ‘cars to buy’, this in April.
Barely a month after having this car, he gets into a terrible car accident which leaves a passenger who is a good friend of his seriously injured and hospitalised for a month or so. He, on the other hand escapes with minor injuries, making him the bearer of guilt. Off he goes to spend all his measly earnings on fixing the car – he had no insurance and the culprit did not stop to see the damage he had caused.
After several months of material deprivation and being broke, his car returns to him in its previous condition, the month is June. He now falls in love with the car which he was at first very reluctant to buy.
Little did he know that he would get into another awful accident, again it is not his fault. And yes, this driver also gets away without being held accountable. This happens in September, only a day before his birthday. Once more, he is left
carless. Blame it on the fact that another careless driver of another vehicle - this time a taxi - skipped a red robot. Still, he consoled himself using the fact that he was still alive, and for that he was genuinely grateful.
Because he resentment ill-informed judgment and speculation of possible witchcraft and bad luck, he resorts to keeping all ‘questionable’ and ‘suspicious’ events to himself and those extremely close in his circle. It has crossed his mind many times that he may be cursed, or have a bout of bad luck – thoughts he tries to entertain as minimally as possible. Coincidence does not exist, and if it does, it is far too familiar with him.
Beyond that, he has had financial problems and constantly had to ask for help from those who still had the patience to assist him without gossiping about him. He had just started his first internship last and was studying simultaneously. As his luck went, he would never get paid on time and when he did receive his pay, it was never in full.
Several times, he had to go and cash in a cheque which was given to him after a hassle and a hustle, and he would have to wait for a full week before seeing any of his money. This just exacerbated his money woes and depressed him further. Yet he is the most optimistic person I know, and as a joking matter in his intimate circle, he has been likened to the character of Job in the Bible - owing to his experiences.
May this be a case of circumstantial bad luck?