With critical thoughts, we have the power to rebuild the world. - Phathu Musitha

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Darwin.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Rebirth by natural hair

When out of my sheer frustration and child-like curiosity decided to let go of my hair last year, I had no idea that the process would propel me towards a joyous and thoroughly sentimental trip.

Well it did, it was something of a catalyst in me gaining rigid confidence as a young woman – beyond the girl-mentality that I had just emerged from. I felt it was time to shed the hair partially because I was frustrated and had no idea what to do next. Nothing seemed to be exciting, or look better than the last – for the matter. I suppose, in fact I know, that I had lost interest in my hair. It had becoming boring. It felt like a tiresome, uninspiring chore I had to carry out every single day!

It may not make much sense to you, but being (very) near-bald awoke in me an urge to experiment – not just with my hair. I was a reassertion of the fact that I could be brave if I stopped limiting myself. I lived up to the ‘new beginning’ cliché. It was my new, treasured beginning. I may not have dumped my boyfriend, quit my job immediately, or shed a ton of friends – which I might, out of context, add I have very few of. However, I felt as though it was an opportunity for me to relive a part of my childhood. A part which entailed living out of the box and caring less about the consequences – among other things.

To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever looked more beautiful than I do right now as I rock this afro. I am beautiful, to the point that I could date myself actually. Besides the fact that it’s impossible, someone wonderful has beat me to it already. It may sound slightly pompous, but it’s the first time I have ever experienced this, and boy is it a joy. PS: I recommend it.

The best part about wearing this hair is knowing for certain that this beautiful, rich hair is completely mine. Ever heard the question “what do you know for sure”? Well this has now made the list of things I know for sure. It’s not an expensive weave I have to remove after several weeks. As much as I like weaves for their admirable transformational powers, I must admit to loving my hair even more.

This might make very little sense to someone else, but being the true-to-form Pisces that I am, I happen to be a dreamy character of note. I love this dream.


  1. First time I am reading something u wrote and I feel like kicking myself.. where have I been? I told u already u look beautiful I am glad u agree ;-)

  2. Why thank you (yet again) lady. My writing is how I plan to make a name for myself. It must admit that it does suffer at the hands of laziness at times and a lack of inspiration at times. But that's about to change. Thanks for reading.

  3. I have been questioning the effects of getting rid of my chemically damaged for a while. Honestly, the fear of people laughing in my face when they see me with no hair, no weave, no braids, nothing is what keeps stopping me. I just don't understand how someone would love me differently if I had no hair, how does that change me as a person? i think it would reveal the true me and those who love that side me are the ones who truly know my beauty-that it's not in the quality of my weave.

    I view girls with short hair, afros and dreads as the most beautiful because they are not afraid of showing who they really are. They are not compelled by society into thinking that buying hair for up to R15 000 is ok because it makes you look less "nappy".

    I hope that someday I will have the courage to strip off the fakeness and show my true self to the world.

    I understand the transformation you are experiencing inside-it's called the freedom to be. You are beautiful!

  4. My favourite writer of all times. You are not caged in the circus of civilization. Acceptance is the first step to intellectual maturity. When we were Black we had everything so let us not be socialy trimed by this people from Humburger and Coca Cola society. Anciant civilization came with us, We gave birth to maths ,science and astronomy and that is a historical fact. Now why wear plastic hair ?
