With critical thoughts, we have the power to rebuild the world. - Phathu Musitha

A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. - Charles Darwin.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The type of wife I will become

Several of my friends are getting married, and I admire their courage in deciding to take that step. As some have put it, “it is part of life”. I do suppose the twenties are generally that period in one’s life where marriage seems the logical thing to engage in. Perhaps it’s even the convenient thing to do for some people. But it’s just safer for me to say that different people marry for different reasons.

I also form part of the female group that one day wants to be referred to by a man she loves as his wife. I do experience a mild shiver when my mind dwells on exactly what kind of wife I will be. My main problem with myself is that I have too many sides to me. In that sense, I am balanced, yet I am really not. . .

Okay, let’s talk practically about this wife thing. A wife is stereotypically (though to a lesser degree) expected to clean and cook well - among other things. Though I can manage both of these things, I am perhaps not the neatest person in my street. Not to say I can’t or won’t clean, I just normally tend to need some sort of motivation. Visitors are a prime example of the kind of motivation I am talking about. Let's face it, people care about impressions. Imagine Sidney Sheldon with his writing ability but no motivation to write. He may have never published any book. That’s just the way it is. My mother, who can’t stand a dirty house, should have been my role model in this regard. It’s just a pity we had a ‘helper’ for most of my life.

As for my cooking, it ranges from excellent to reasonably poor. While some people can’t get enough of my pasta, others would rather have bread instead of my pap. It’s no natural talent of mine, but I can hook up a mean meal when I am in the mood. Sundays must be special, as that is the only day in the week when I really feel the need to don a kitchen apron.

I am not the most patient person either. My principal flaw is that I am a selective perfectionist. I use the word 'selective' only in the sense that I can be indifferent when it suits me. My friends describe me as ‘strict’ and comically express how sorry they feel for my future kids. Rest assured, I'm not laughing with them.

Most women are infamous for sometimes being moody, so that probably deserves no mention. I must stress that I am not large-scale moody. I can safely say I make up for it by being sweet, considerate and nurturing to those around me – so my kids are safe.

This post may have been an absolute waste. Maybe, just maybe, I should give my boyfriend a detailed questionnaire to complete about exactly what kind of girlfriend I am. That should give me an idea of the type wife I will one day become. . .

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